Serafín Ziquer Xavier

(Former known as Glenn)
I am a professional multimedia artist with a Swedish/Brazilian background, specializing in acting, performance, movement art/coaching, sound, video, and animation. My passion lies in combining different art forms into one cohesive work, allowing me to express myself through various media.

Artistic Vision

I am deeply inspired by the "imperfect" human being, embracing our flaws and fragility. My work often explores figurative realism, portraying the raw and authentic aspects of humanity.

Professional Experience

Since 1995, I have worked as a freelancer both nationally and internationally. My projects have included:
  • Theatre Productions
  • Swedish Television
  • Danish Television
  • MTV
  • Netflix
  • Short Films
  • Commercials

Also the Reumert-nominated web series "" and "Room4.1-LIVE" by Kristjan Ingimarsson.

Current Projects

While freelancing, I am also working on my own multimedia project, which you can learn more about at www.zerafí


  • Sceneblog - ROOM4.1-LIVE
    • DK: "Og kun fordi det er fremragende performere – som Glenn Ziquer Xavier og Noora Hannula –fungerer det efter hensigten."
    • EN: "And only because of excellent performers like Glenn Ziquer Xavier and Noora Hannula, it works as intended."
  • Henrik Lyding - Middleton
    • DK: "Glenn Ziquer Xavier er nemlig et under af komisk bevægelseskunst."
    • EN: "Glenn Ziquer Xavier is a wonder of comic movement art."
    • DK: "Alligevel kan det ikke skjules, at den svenske skuespiller Glenn Ziquer Xavier er og bliver aftenens stjerne, og formår både at få børn og bedstemødre til at le, hvad enten han agerer varulv eller superhelt."
    • EN: "Still, it can't be hidden that the Swedish actor Glenn Ziquer Xavier becomes the star of the evening, and manages to make both children and grandmothers laugh, whether he is a werewolf or a superhero."
    • DK: "Men stjernen er i år svenskeren Glenn Ziquer Xavier, der virker næsten uhyggelig overbevisende som menneskelig robot. Hans bevidst mekaniske kropssprog er krydret med humoristiske overraskelser, og så laver han samtidig en eminent lydkulisse, der låner en forbløffende autenticitet til bevægelserne..."
    • EN: "But this year, the star is Glenn Ziquer Xavier, who seems almost creepily convincing as a human robot. His deliberately mechanical body language is spiced with humorous surprises, and he creates an eminent soundscape that lends astonishing authenticity to the movements."
  • Morten Hede - SULT/HUNGER
    • DK: "Glenn Ziquer Xavier leverer mimisk en præstation langt ud over det sædvanlige. Hans ansigt kan lægges i folder, som er en Thomas Mørk værdig. Han har en komisk sans, som får hans små lyde, der ikke engang er ord, til at virke som knivskarpe punchlines – udelukkende ved hjælp af timing og kropslig fornemmelse. Hans hovedrolle i 'Sult' bliver vulgært overspillet, men samtidig med den dybeste sikkerhed og troværdighed. Han kan spille en kærlighedsscene som en Romeo og en grådighedsscene som en Harpagon. Og sulten gør ham lige så omsorgsvækkende som den lille pige med svovlstikkerne."
    • EN: "Glenn Ziquer Xavier delivers a mimical performance far out of the ordinary. His face is Thomas Mørk worthy. He has a comical sense that makes his small sounds, which are not even words, seem like razor-sharp punchlines solely through timing and bodily sensation. His starring role in 'Hunger' is vulgarly overplayed, but with the deepest seriousness and credibility. He can play a love scene like Romeo and a greed scene like Harpagon. And the hunger makes him as caring as The Little Match Girl."
  • Inge Rogat Møller - JV SULT/HUNGER
    • DK: "Glenn Ziquer Xavier er en stor oplevelse, der dominerer scenen med sin insisterende og dramatiske tilstedeværelse."
    • EN: "Glenn Ziquer Xavier is a huge experience, who dominates the stage with his insistent and dramatic presence."
  • BYENKALDER.DK - Sunshine
    • DK: "Glenn Ziquer Xavier smider sig selv rundt så hele båden ryster af grin."
    • EN: "Glenn Ziquer Xavier throws himself around so the entire boat shakes with laughter."
  • Monna Dithmer - Mysteriet om den gyldne skarabæ/The Mystery of the Golden Scarab
    • DK: "Når Knuds bedre jeg spilles af et fund af en spiller, den svenske danser Glenn Ziquer Xavier..."
    • EN: "When Knud's better half is played by such a catch of an actor, the Swedish dancer Glenn Ziquer Xavier..."



                                                                                                   ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎                                                                                                

The Commedia School

I studied at The Commedia School – The Art of Mime and Comedy, which was later renamed simply The Commedia School. Founded by Ole Brekke, the school adhered to the teaching principles and methods of Jacques Lecoq, a renowned French stage actor, acting movement coach, and theatre director. Lecoq's approach revolutionized actor training by emphasizing physical theatre, incorporating movement into acting, and exploring emotions through body language and gestures. He established the Ecole Internationale de Théâtre Jacques Lecoq, profoundly impacting the field of physical theatre.

Advanced Training in Corporeal Mime

I further studied Etienne Decroux's technique and post-modern mime under Stephen James Back in Copenhagen. This apprenticeship involved intensive training in Corporeal Mime, exploring the expressive possibilities of the human body and understanding non-verbal communication. Stephen's teaching incorporated a range of disciplines, enabling me to develop skills in solo and ensemble performance and deepen my understanding of mime's history and practice.

Étienne Decroux: A Visionary in Mime

Étienne Decroux, a pioneering artist, revolutionized theatre with his creation of Corporeal Mime. His innovative approach placed the body at the core of theatrical expression, developing a precise technique based on corporeal articulation, rhythm, and physical dramaturgy. Decroux's legacy continues to influence contemporary gestural theatre, providing essential tools for artists to explore the intersection of dance, theatre, puppetry, and circus.

Other Educational Experiences

  • Ongoing education in Blender, Unity, and Unreal Engine.
  • Tom Bancroft: Introduction to Animation and Drawing Character Poses with Personality.
  • Tony White: Mastering 2D Animation.
  • RumKraft: Producer and Sound Design Course in Logic Studio Pro.
  • Andreas Busk: Sound Design.
  • Akademiet For Utæmmet Kreativitet: Acrobatics, incorporating Corporeal Mime, character, and dance to create a unique performance style.
  • The Commedia School: The Art Of Mime And Comedy.
  • Classic Theater Education in Forsa, Sweden: Basic theatre training, script study, Shakespeare, and classical dramatic performance.
  • Forum Theatre Pedagogue Training: Creating and touring Forum Theatre performances in schools around Sweden.
  • Multimedia Art School, Dalsland, Sweden: Photography, film, writing, and drawing. Won first prize in the student exhibition contest.


Coming up 2024: 

Meridiano Teatret- BUSTER OG MIG

2023: Meridiano Teatret, Teater ZeBU &Operaen i Midten & ROOM4.1- LIVE by KIC

ROOM4.1- Kristján Ingimarsson Company. 2018- Late 2021.


Meridiano Teatret “ Knock Knock “ 2020-2021


Theater Burning Love.

AIRPORT- Kristján Ingimarsson Company.

A HUMDRUM LIFE- a performance inspired by the paintings of Michael Kvium.
Perfect for art galleries. Artist: Linn Sandegård & Glenn Ziquer Xavier Photos: Andreas Bergmann Steen.

SULT/ HUNGER- Teater Møllen & NIE.


The Tempest- Meridiano Theatre.


By Glenn Ziquer Xabier & Kristian Gottliebsen.

A co production between SVT & Cirkus cirkör.

DK. “ Og kun fordi det er fremragende performere – som Glenn Ziquer Xavier og Noora Hannula –fungerer det efter hensigten. ”
EN. “ And only because excellent performers -as Glenn Ziquer Xavier and Noora Hannula -it works out as intended ”

Henrik Lyding - Middleton ︎︎︎︎︎
DK. “ Glenn Ziqver Xavier-er nemlig et under af komisk bevægelseskunst ”
EN.“ Glenn Ziqver Xavier-is a wonder of comic movement art “

Michael Søby CPH CULTURE- FOREVER YOUNG ︎︎︎︎
DK. Alligevel kan det ikke skjules, at den svenske skuespiller Glenn Ziquer Xavier er og bliver aftenens stjerne, og formår både at få børn og bedstemødre til at le, hvad enten han agerer varulv eller superhelt

EN. Still, it can't be hidden, that the Swedish actor Glenn Ziquer Xavieris becomes the star of the evening, and manages to both make children and grandmothers laugh, whether he is a werewolf or a superhero

DK. Men stjernen er i år svenskeren Glenn Ziqver Xavier, der virker næsten uhyggelige overbevisende som menneskelig robot. Hans bevidst mekaniske kropssprog er krydret med humoristiske overraskelser, og så laver han samtidig en eminent lydkulisse, der låner en forbløffende autenticitet til bevægelserne...

EN. But this year the star is Glenn Ziqver Xavier, who seems almost creepy convincing as a human robot. His deliberately mechanical body language is spiced with humorous surprises, and at the same time hemakes an eminent soundscape that creates an astonishing authenticity to the movements...

Morten Hede- SULT/ HUNGER ︎︎︎︎︎
DK. Glenn Ziqver Xavier! Han leverer mimisk en præstation langt ud over det sædvanlige. Hans ansigt kan lægges i folder, som er en Thomas Mørk værdig. Han har en komisk sans, som får hans små lyde, der ikke engang er ord, til at virke som knivskarpe punchlines – udelukkende ved hjælp af timing og kropslig fornemmelse. Hans hovedrolle i “Sult” bliver vulgært overspillet, mend samtidig med den dybeste sikkerhed og troværdighed. Han kan spille en kærlighedsscene som en Romeo og en grådighedsscene som end Harpagon. Og sulten gør ham lige så omsorgsvækkende som den lille pige med svovlstikkerne.

EN. Glenn Ziqver Xavier delivers mimically a performance far out of the ordinary. His face, which is Thomas Mørk worthy. He has a comical sense that makes his little sounds that are not even words seem like razor-sharp punchlines - solely through timing and bodily sensation. His starring role in "Hunger" is vulgarly overplayed, but at the same time with the deepest seriousity and credibility. He can play a love scene like a Romeo and one greed scene as Harpagon. And the hunger makes him as caring asThe Little Match Girl.

Inge Rogat Møller- JV SULT/ HUNGER ︎︎︎︎︎
DK “ Glenn Ziqver Xavier er en stor oplevelse,der dominerer scenen med sin insisterende og dramatiske tilstedeværelse ”
EN “ Glenn Ziqver Xavier is a huge experience, who dominates the stage with his insistence and dramatic presence ” 

DK. “ Glenn Ziqver Xavier smider sig selv rundt så hele båder ryster af grin. ”
EN. “ Glenn Ziqver Xavier throws himself around so the entire boat shakes with laughter. ”

Monna Dithmer- Mysteriet om den gyldne skarabæ/ The mystery of the golden scarabée ︎︎︎︎︎
DK. Når Knuds bedre jeg spilles af et fund af en spiller, den svenske danser Glenn Ziqver Xavier...
EN. When Knuds better half is played by such a catch of an an actor, the swedish danser Glenn Ziqver Xavier...


Workshop Overview

In this workshop, we will delve into the world of 19th-century mime and corporeal mime, exploring the power of the body, movement, and elements to create compelling characters. Our primary objective is not to transform participants into mimes, but to equip them with expressive tools to enhance their creative processes.


  • Expressive Tools and Techniques:
    • Engage in traditional exercises and studies.
    • Embrace innovation while maintaining performance quality.
  • Balancing Innovation and Performance:
    • Avoid fixating solely on novelty.
    • Focus on delivering remarkable performances.
  • Interdisciplinary Exploration:
    • Incorporate various artistic aspects beyond stage art.
    • Explore concepts such as the line of action and composing a frame.

Workshop Benefits

Participants will:
  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of mime and corporeal mime techniques.
  • Learn to guide movement and intention through the line of action.
  • Use the stage as a visual canvas to compose impactful frames.
  • Combine practical exercises, theoretical knowledge, and interdisciplinary exploration.

Expanded Focus Areas

  • Traditional Exercises and Studies:
    • We will engage in established mime exercises to understand foundational movements and expressions.
  • Innovation and Performance Quality:
    • While innovation is crucial, it is equally important to focus on the essence of delivering a remarkable performance.
    • We will find a balance between exploring new ideas and ensuring performance quality.
  • Concepts Beyond Stage Art:
    • Line of Action: Learn how to guide the movement and intention of a character.
    • Composing a Frame: Understand how the stage can serve as a visual canvas, enhancing storytelling through visual composition.
  • Holistic Artistic Development:
    • The workshop aims to integrate various artistic disciplines, providing a broad perspective that enhances overall creative abilities.


Through a combination of practical exercises, theoretical knowledge, and interdisciplinary exploration, this workshop will empower participants to utilize these tools effectively, broaden their artistic horizons, and enhance their overall creative abilities.